Gun Deaths in America

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) calculated that in 2014, 10,945 Americans were shot to death. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 3.4 were killed with a firearm. The total number of homicides in the US in 2014 was 15,809. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 5.0 were murdered. Roughly 69 percent of murder victims were shot to death.

The CDC reports that in 2014, 42,773 Americans committed suicide. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 13.4 took their own life. That left suicide as the tenth leading cause of death in America. In 2014, 21,334 Americans used a firearm to take their life. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 6.7 used a firearm to commit suicide. Roughly half of all Americans who committed suicide in 2014 used a firearm.

In 2014, 33,559 Americans were killed by a firearm. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 10.5 died from a gunshot.

In 2014, 33,736 Americans died in motor vehicle traffic accidents. Out of every 100 thousand Americans, 10.6 were killed in a motor vehicle traffic accident.

In 2014, firearms took nearly as many American lives as did motor vehicle traffic accidents.

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