Reviewing a Spark of Light

Jodi Picoult’s A Spark of Light is one of the most thought-provoking novels I have ever read. She takes on the controversial issue of abortion and does a masterful job illustrating things that commonly lead to abortion, reasons why some protest the right to abortions, and how government can become a huge problem in the lives of women. She also shows the position of those who so strongly oppose abortion that they infiltrate clinics hoping to secretly record staff given pregnant women bad advice or encouraging abortions.

A Spark of Light revolves around a man whose daughter has an abortion. In response, he goes to the only clinic in Mississippi and begins shooting. Inevidibly, it becomes a hostage situation where the father daughter relationship of a teenager stuck inside the clinic and the police’s lead negotiator adds interesting elements to the plot.

A spark of light is a great example of awesome character development and an impactful, relevant story. If you want to consider abortion from different facets and you like stories about familial relationships, A Spark of Light will be a great read.

Note, I began the book firmly behind a woman’s right to choose. The story only hardened my conviction.

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