It has Been a Year

A year ago today was my first day working for the city of Portland, Oregon. It’s hard to believe it has been a year. In some ways, it has flown by. In other ways, it has seemed slow. Sitting here a year later, I can honestly say it has been a wonderful year!

I have more responsibility than I thought possible. The projects I’m working on are, sometimes, things I have been thinking about for years. I truly believe we are on the verge of doing some special things that will make a big difference in the lives of people, like me, with disabilities.

If all goes well, some of these projects will be things other jurisdictions can use. The idea that some of what I’m doing could make things better for potentially millions of people is awesome!

Being government, things don’t move as fast as I would like. Still, lots of things are moving and teaching me a lot.

As I have written about before, getting this job was difficult. The disappointment and frustration made me stronger and more appreciative of what I have. I truly have a job I enjoy!

Here’s to my second year on the job and all it has to offer.


  1. Maybe someday u will be running for mayor of the city of Portland, wouldn’t that be something?
    I can see u going up the ladder and doing good things for the people. But for now u have the perfect job for yourself. You have always said u could make a difference if only someone would give you a chance.
    That someone was Nicole !!! She was the one that thought u would fit in and do good things.

    1. There were two panels that interviewed me, but Nickole let me work to my capabilities. I am grateful for that.

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