A year ago today we lost our beloved Emma. We have missed our sweet, beautiful girl so much. Not a day goes by that we don’t talk about or to her.
In Introducing Emma, I told the story of how a beautiful great Pyrenees showed up in Mom’s yard one morning. Over the next five years, Emma warmed our hearts and tried to teach us how to always be kind.
In Goodbye Emma I briefly talked about how we lost our sweetheart.
As I write about a whole year without Emma, I’m sitting on the couch next to the box holding her remains. That’s right, a year later Emma is still in her favorite spot. A year later, we still sit with her, talk to her, laugh about our memories of her, and think about how lucky we were that such an amazing girl found her way into Mom’s yard and into our hearts.
Our beautiful sweetheart, you have been gone a year. You will never be forgotten. You will never leave our hearts.
Describing the Photo
Emma is a big white dog. her head and front paws are sticking out from under her favorite tree. Every time she walked around the block, Emma would go under that tree to scratch her Back. Mom would pretend she couldn’t see Emma under there. Then Emma would come out from under the tree a very happy girl.