It has been too long since I have posted, especially about politics. So, here it goes.
Given where we are, I can’t imagine a scenario where Donald Trump loses the election. I say that because I can’t imagine a black woman beating Donald Trump in America. In 2016, Trump got more votes from white women than did Hillary Clinton. Yes, millions of people who didn’t understand the danger of Trump in 2016 the way they do now, but I don’t see that overcoming the racism that has always defined America. That’s especially true with a candidate as bad as Kamala Harris.
For those who don’t remember, Harris was a terrible candidate in 2020. She struggled in debates. She had almost no support; in fact, she would have lost her home state of California if she hadn’t quit prior to that primary. I know people who are hoping the last four years have improved Harris as a candidate, but I can’t see her improvement being enough to overcome the racism and sexism that still are huge factors in American life.
I will say more about this in another post, but Joe Biden’s term as president wasn’t the success the Democratic Party has been trying to sell. Many Americans, if not a majority of Americans, don’t feel great about their future or the future of the country. Many on the true left, voters Harris obviously needs, feel ignored if not outright betrayed by Biden and the Democratic Party. Many folks on the true left are not going to be motivated to vote for a former prosecutor who promises more of the same policies that will continue the status quo that discriminates against them. Many on the true left won’t vote for a candidate, like Harris, who will do the bidding of Israel.
All of this is to say that I expect many on the true left, including me, to refuse to vote for Harris. We are no longer voting for a candidate who offers us nothing of substance and believes they can take us for granted because of the threat of Trump. A lower than expected voter turnout on the left coupled with Trump’s devoted supporters and the afore mentioned sexism and racism, will result in Trump winning the election. Amazingly, I believe Trump is more likely to win in a landslide than he is to lose.