I have been venting a lot lately, but this is another important rant. The number of companies that work in the accessibility space and hire few to no people with disabilities is staggering and shameful. If a company won’t hire people with disabilities it doesn’t care about people with disabilities or accessibility.
Author: Jonathan Simeone
Asking Means No
The title may be a bit harsh, but it makes an important point. In most cases, if you have to ask a person with a disability if something is accessible, the odds are very high it isn’t.
Reviewing The Devil’s Chessboard
David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard: The CIA, and The Rise of America’s Secret Government is in some ways predictable and infuriating for those of us who know the truth about America. As you will see, reading it did change my perspective on one of the most consequential events in American history. That alone made the… Continue reading Reviewing The Devil’s Chessboard
News is Relative
One important concept many seem not to realize is the news is not all the news that should be communicated. What constitutes news, (whether it be television, newspapers, magazines, or social media) is what the person with editorial power over the content being shared through the medium you are engaging deems to be news. In… Continue reading News is Relative
Climate Change Bill Screws the Poor
Amid the false fanfare about the transformational aspects of Joe Manchin’s supposed climate change bill is the way Democrats are using it to make corporations and the wealthy wealthier while further disadvantaging people living in poor communities, especially people living in poor communities of color.
Waste Management is Listening
Recently, I wrote about it taking me an hour to pay my garbage bill. I’m happy to say Waste Management has been responsive. I have reason to believe their payment system will be accessible as early as next week.
Democrats Don’t Really Care About Accessible Transit Stations
I am not enjoying writing this post. I hate almost always having to be critical. But I have to tell the truth. The sad truth is that Democrats, as you will see, don’t care about accessible transit stations. As usual, they are engaging in political theater designed to convince people to believing they are doing… Continue reading Democrats Don’t Really Care About Accessible Transit Stations
Their Privilege Depends on Our Oppression
One of the reasons none of the governmental agencies or corporations that repeatedly profess their commitment to equity inclusion are neither equitable or inclusive is the reality that oppressed people can’t be honest about our truths. Whether people want to admit it or not, reality is that victims of oppression have no chance at additional… Continue reading Their Privilege Depends on Our Oppression
It Took me Over an Hour to Pay my Garbage Bill
I am forced to use Waste Management as my garbage, recycling, and yard debris company. I have been a forced customer of their’s for nearly six years. During that time, theirwebsite has not been fully accessible, but I could, with more effort than I should need to spend, pay my bill. But today it was… Continue reading It Took me Over an Hour to Pay my Garbage Bill
The First to Die
If you only read the headlines, you wouldn’t know three innocent people were murdered at a Greenwood, Indiana mall on Saturday. Even the liberals favorite newspapers The New York Times and The Washington Post have headlines focusing on how quickly an armed civilian killed the murderer. But the real story is that three innocent people… Continue reading The First to Die