If the Democratic Party was really interested in democracy the January sixth hearings would matter. But the Democratic Party, as always, is more interested in political advantage than anything else. Sadly, the Democratic Party is really bad at politics. So, their willingness to put party politics over justice and a nod to democracy may result… Continue reading The January Sixth Hearings Should Matter
Author: Jonathan Simeone
Freedom of Religion has Always Been for Christians
With yesterday’s ruling the Supreme Court made clear what has always been obvious: freedom of religion in America only applies to Christianity.
There has Never Been a Political Solution to Fascism
Last evening, as I was trying to enjoy the last of the weekend, I came to a scary reality. I tried pushing it away. For a time an entertaining baseball game and fatigue helped me forget. But this morning it’s back with a sobering vengeance.
Naming Good Things From This Weekend
For those of us who care about civil rights it has been a difficult three days. For those of us who follow politics, it has been a frustrating three days. For those of us looking for hope, the last three days have been difficult. So, I think we should take a few minutes to name… Continue reading Naming Good Things From This Weekend
Democrats Fail Their Voters
One of the most basic truths about American politics is one that doesn’t get enough attention. Republican voters are far more loyal to the Republican Party than Democratic voters are to the Democratic Party.
The Constitution was Designed to Deny Most of us Rights
Now that Roe V. Wade has been officially struck down, we need to have a true discussion about the constitution. The truth, as much as many don’t want to admit it, is that the six conservative Supreme Court justices are faithfully following the intent of the so-called founding fathers. As a lawyer, coming to this… Continue reading The Constitution was Designed to Deny Most of us Rights
You are Accommodating Your Discrimination, not Me
The most important mantra from the disability community is nothing about us without us. Yet, our civil rights have largely been established by people without disabilities, who have forced their lack of respect for us and their inability to see us as their equals (whether they realize it or not) as the primary motivations for… Continue reading You are Accommodating Your Discrimination, not Me
The Political Myth of Left Extremism
In reading news coverage of the Senate’s bipartisan deal to “address” Americans being randomly killed at schools and grocery stores by people using military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, I got angry. Senators on both sides of the manufactured and corporate-controlled political isle are presenting their cowardice as an incredible breakthrough that will upset extremes… Continue reading The Political Myth of Left Extremism
I Got a New Job
As the title says, I got a new job. I’m still with the city of Portland, but I will soon be working for Parks & Recreation.
Reviewing the Mantis
The Mantis is a braille display produced by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). For those who don’t know, a Braille display, in its simplest form, shows users the text displayed on a computer or mobile device in braille. In my view, the Mantis is the best braille display for a professional.