Hank Green’s An Absolutely Remarkable Thing took time to grow on me, but now I’m looking forward to the sequel.
Author: Jonathan Simeone
Personal Updates for May 6, 2021
This post has updates about my exercise, thoughts on recent shootings, and thoughts on my eye.
Reviewing the Bottom of the 33rd
Dan Barry’s The Bottom of the 33rd tells the story of a 33-inning game played between the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings in 1981. As a fan of baseball, I have been interested in this game since first hearing about it as a child. I would love to hear the recording of… Continue reading Reviewing the Bottom of the 33rd
Personal Updates for March 28, 2021
This post has updates on my weekend, exercise, baseball starting, and my prosthetic eye.
Reviewing Only the Ball was White
Robert Peterson’s Only the Ball was White is a must read for anyone interested in baseball and the negro leagues.
Responding to People on Twitter After Constant Mocking Biden for his Fall
Below is a series of tweets I made responding to the many people on Twitter engaging in ableism after Joe Biden’s fall. I have only edited the tweets for the web format. Each tweet is the start of a new paragraph.
Running Against Rosa DeLauro
As I become more involved with Green Party politics, I want to share a series of posts on how I think Green Party candidates can mount strong political campaigns. This series will be based on my love of politics, my 33 years of following politics, my appreciation of data, and my desire to see a… Continue reading Running Against Rosa DeLauro
Disability Discrimination Really Hurts
I’m sad and disappointed tonight. I feel like way too much is a fight and that the world simply doesn’t try hard enough to accommodate people with disabilities. We are more marginalized than any other group. That’s the truth whether people like it or not. This post has updates on my job search, things at… Continue reading Disability Discrimination Really Hurts
Personal Updates for March 7, 2021
In this post, I have updates about my exercise, job search, and spring.
Reviewing the Nazzi Menace
Benjamin Carter Hett’s The Nazi Menace: Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and the road to war paints interesting pictures of what was happening in all four nations in the years leading ups to World War II.