We Will See Trump’s Taxes

The idea that we will see Trump’s taxes is a prediction. The rest of this post will explain why I believe we will see Trump’s taxes relatively soon.

A Furnace and Blindness

This post is about the installation of our new furnace, the new furnace having to be repaired 10 minutes after installation, and how the night’s events got me thinking about the ways I interact with people and how they interact with me.

Explaining my Daily Struggles for Accessibility

The biggest reason I rarely write about or discuss the inaccessibility I overcome on a daily basis is the fear that my concerns will be blamed on my blindness–not the needless inaccessibility that so often exists. Another reason I rarely write about or discuss the inaccessibility I must overcome on daily basis is the fear… Continue reading Explaining my Daily Struggles for Accessibility

Reviewing The Education of Brett Kavanaugh

Robin Progrebin and Kate Kelly’s The Education of Brett Kavanaugh wants to be an investigative account of the confirmation process that landed Brett Kavanaugh (Kavanaugh) on the Supreme Court. If you followed the process, especially the parts of it involving Dr. Christine Blacey Ford’s (Ford) allegation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were in… Continue reading Reviewing The Education of Brett Kavanaugh

Another Great Ufi Story

Ufi is an amazing dog! Here is another story that demonstrates how special he is and how lucky we are to have him.

October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary

As always, I feel the need to remind people I’m supporting Bernie Sanders. His recent heart attack has done nothing to diminish my support of Sanders. Millions of Americans have had heart attacks and gone on to be very productive. With that out of the way, I want to add a few random thoughts on… Continue reading October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary

Trump and Ukraine

Donald Trump is the least competent person to ever serve as president of the United States. He is also a white supremacist, sexist, ableist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic moron who builds his base by encouraging hatred. I have been in favor of impeachment since the day he took office. I have believed impeachment was the right… Continue reading Trump and Ukraine