Yesterday I had the long-awaited major surgery on my right eye. As the title says, I don’t have cancer!
Author: Jonathan Simeone
Personal Updates for October 3, 2019
I wasn’t able to avoid the larger surgery on my eye. So, today is the big day.
Personal Updates for September 29, 2019
This time we have news on my eye, Ufi, and Scorpio.
Reviewing All the President’s Men
With the House finally beginning an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, I decided to read Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s All the President’s Men. The book is about the Watergate scandal and coverup that resulted in Richard Nixon resigning and several members of his administration serving time.
Reviewing My Sister’s Keeper
I was looking forward to reading Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper. I was intrigued by the storyline of parents having a child to serve as a donor for their sick child. But My Sister’s Keeper was a disappointment. I have read a few of Picoult’s books; this is the one I liked the leased.
Scorpio is Sick
The summer of stress and worry around here has continued until the fall. Yesterday afternoon, Scorpio, who is rarely sick, began vomiting. In about 10 hours, he vomited about a dozen times. He didn’t keep down his dinner or the ice cream Mom gave him. When he couldn’t keep down the boiled beef we tried… Continue reading Scorpio is Sick
Reviewing The Big Fella
Jane Leavy’s The Big Fella: Babe Ruth and the World he Created is one of the best sports books I have ever read.
Personal Updates for September 21, 2019
Today was a beautiful sunny day. It may have been the last warm sunny day this year. So, we made the most of it. Ufi was very active today. He played with his ring a ton. He went in his pool a lot. I just love seeing him enjoying life that much. Mr. Rogers has… Continue reading Personal Updates for September 21, 2019
Reviewing Lock Every Door
Riley Sager’s Lock Every Door is the best thriller I have read in a long time. The story and Jules Larsen, the main character, were so interesting that I read Lock Every Door in one night.
I’m not Ready
Since Ufi was diagnosed with cancer, many people have asked me when I’m going to get a new dog. As the title says: I’m not ready.