Reviewing Chernobyl

This review is of the 2019 5-part television series on the 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine. Overall, I think the television series makes an important contribution, because it gets many thinking about something more of us should think about. The corners it cuts and the other inherent flaws of telling such… Continue reading Reviewing Chernobyl

A Decade Without Ivor

Tomorrow, Ivor, my first dog guide, will have been gone for 10 years. It’s amazing how that happens. In the moment, when the loss is fresh, you can’t imagine how you will continue. The pain is so raw. The hurt is so intense. But time keeps going. Eventually, you start remembering the good times more… Continue reading A Decade Without Ivor

Personal Updates for June 28, 2019

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the National ADA Symposium. The annual conference brings people working in the disability field together to learn from and network with each other. I really enjoyed the conference. I hope I get to go again next year. I came back from the conference energized and excited to… Continue reading Personal Updates for June 28, 2019

Corporate Joe and the Electoral College

Transcript of Corporate Joe and the Electoral College Welcome to Jonathan’s Verdicts. I’m Jonathan Simeone. The title of this episode is: Corporate Joe Biden and the Electoral College. The verdict for this episode is: Corporate Joe Biden is only a serious candidate because of the Electoral College. Lots of people, including me, regularly, rightly accuse… Continue reading Corporate Joe and the Electoral College