The Second Coming of the KKK The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition is an especially relevant read today. If you enjoy history, aren’t afraid to be confronted by America’s racism, and follow today’s politics, you should read The Second Coming of the KKK.
Author: Jonathan Simeone
Bernie Sanders’s Bill Would Hurt the Poor
I voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016. I may vote for him in 2020. Mr. Sanders deserves a ton of credit for bringing progressive issues to the mainstream of American thought. His Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing out Subsidies bill (Stop Bezos Act) is a political stunt that would hurt many poor people.
Hiding Behind an Anonymous Op-Ed is cowardice
The New York Times has published an anonymous Op-Ed from a “senior member” of the Trump administration. The piece is extremely critical of Trump; it all but calls him unfit for office and incompetent.
What has capitalism done for you?
This is a very simple question: what has America’s version of capitalism done for you?
My First Day Fighting Insomnia
My first night trying to beat insomnia started well. It didn’t end well though.
Insomnia: I Will Win!
In a personal update published earlier today, I mentioned the need to overcome my lifelong battle with insomnia. Even though the title of this post guarantees I will beat my lifelong fo, the truth is I’m not sure.
Personal Update for /September 3, 2018
This is the last night of my vacation. Tomorrow, it’s back to work. I truly got a ton out of this vacation. I did things I haven’t been doing lately, I learned some important lessons, and I forgot about work for 10 days.
What the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process is Really About
All of the dirty tricks and breaks from tradition being perpetrated by the GOP to make sure Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed are happening for one reason: Republicans are aware they are likely to lose the House in November. In 2020, they are likely to lose the Senate and the presidency. The only way they can… Continue reading What the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process is Really About
Index Investing
Personal investing isn’t the sexiest or funnest topic to discuss; however, it’s a very important topic. Before sharing my thoughts on the topic of index investing, I want to make one thing perfectly clear: I’m not giving financial advice. I’m not a financial advisor. I’m simply a guy who loves to read a lot, decided… Continue reading Index Investing
Reviewing Won’t you be my Neighbor
Won’t you be my Neighbor is a documentary about Fred Rogers and his television show Mr. Rogers’s Neighborhood. Instead of writing a typical review, I’m going to describe my history with the show and how I feel about it now. In case you don’t read on, I want to say: if you are at involved… Continue reading Reviewing Won’t you be my Neighbor