Carried Interest Explained

The carried interest rule is one of the major reasons why hedge fund managers and other wealthy investors pay much lower tax rates than many American families.

I Saw Same-Sex Marriage Become Reality

In February of 2004, I was attending Suffolk University Law School in Boston and interning in the Massachusetts House Counsel’s Office. On February 11, the Massachusetts Legislature met in joint session as a constitutional convention. The topic that made Massachusetts the epicenter of the political world that day was whether same-sex couples should have the… Continue reading I Saw Same-Sex Marriage Become Reality

Lunch Shaming

New Mexico has become the first state in the country to outlaw so-called lunch shaming. Lunch shaming is the name given to the different ways schools have humiliated children with unpaid lunch bills in an attempt to get parents to pay the bill.

Yesterday was my Birthday

I’m another year older. We celebrated with a barbecue at Mom’s. As always, the food was tremendous. I’m very much looking forward to the leftovers I will be eating after I publish this post.

Ufi Playing Fetch in Mom’s Living Room

Yesterday was a nice day here. So, Ufi and I went to Mom’s. Ufi played fetch and relaxed in his pool for about four hours. Then we went into the house where he wanted more fetch. I don’t think anyone likes anything as much as Ufi likes fetch.