I Met my Biological Father

My biological father doesn’t know about my blog. He didn’t give me permission to discuss him here. So, I will not provide any information that could identify him in this post. Sitting here about 48 hours after our meeting, I’m wishing I had reached out to him years earlier. Sometimes, it’s easy to let the… Continue reading I Met my Biological Father

Democrats Help Far-Right Republicans

If you follow politics at all, you are familiar with Democrats pretending they are protecting America from Republican efforts to destroy democracy. As you will see, in an effort to potentially improve their political fortunes Democrats are using millions of dollars to amplify the messaging of far-right candidates who believe the 2020 election was stollen… Continue reading Democrats Help Far-Right Republicans

Coronavirus Should Matter More Than September 11

Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the September 11th attacks. On that day, as many know, more than 3,000 Americans died. Every year since, September 11 is marked with tributes to the dead, the heroes that risked and/or lost their lives, and to America itself. All of the tributes, somber, statements, and moments of silence… Continue reading Coronavirus Should Matter More Than September 11

Queen Elizabeth Shouldn’t be Loved or Respected

The celebrations of Queen Elizabeth and her reign as queen highlight how many have been manipulated into supporting the systems that oppress them. I’m not saying people should celebrate a loss of life, as some are doing, but anyone interested in an equitable world should not be upset by the death of a queen. Queen… Continue reading Queen Elizabeth Shouldn’t be Loved or Respected

Our Suffering is Their Choice

I’m writing this post after reading that America is sending another $675 million in weapons to Ukraine. Over the last six months, America has given Ukraine billions of dollars. At the same time, Jackson, MS has no clean running water. Millions of Americans throughout the West are being told to reduce energy use during a… Continue reading Our Suffering is Their Choice

Reviewing Echoes

I was interested in watching Echoes because it’s about identical twins, and I’m an identical twin. The fact that it was recommended by Aunt Barb, who is my television guru, made me more interested in watching the show.

Reviewing Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror

Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror is a documentary about some of the ways 911 changed America and its government. While the documentary does a good job walking viewers through the lies, wasted money, lack of integrity, and many of the failings that resulted in America spending 20 years in Afghanistan only to… Continue reading Reviewing Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror