Greg Grandin’s The end of the Myth: the frontier to the border wall in the mind of /America is the best look at the rise of so-called Trumpism I have read. Still, I think the book overcomplicates what is sadly too simple a reality. Human nature is fundamentally selfish. Sure, there are people who don’t… Continue reading Reviewing the end of the Myth
Eat the Rich
The title of this post is based on a hashtag used by folks wanting to destroy capitalism. Even though I have never used the hashtag, I recognize that capitalism has been, is now, and always will be an engine of oppression. I further realize that the destruction of capitalism is necessary for America to even… Continue reading Eat the Rich
Personal Updates for August 20,2020
This update has news about my exercise, my job, Scorpio, and Mr. Rogers.
Personal Updates for August 16, 2020
This update discusses this blog, my exercise., and my job.
Personal Updates for August 9, 2020
This update covers my exercise, the return of live sports, and more thoughts of Ufi.
Happy Birthday Scorpio
Friday was Scorpio’s 11th birthday. Given that it was his first birthday he would celebrate with us and Ufi not being here, we really wanted to make it special.
Reviewing The Case for a Job Guarantee
Given my life experience as a blind person who tried finding work for years with no success, I’m predisposed to supporting a job guarantee. Still Pavlina Tcherneva’s The Case for a Job Guarantee was a great read.
Reviewing the Deficit Myth
Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth is one of the most thought-provoking books I have read in years. Setting aside the fact that this reality indicates I’m a nerd, The Deficit Myth is an important contribution to our understanding of the economy and government’s involvement in the economy.
The Gold Standard Explained
In the era of rising government debt, it is worth understanding the history of the gold standard. I’m guessing some of you will be surprised by how the gold standard came and went over time.
Natural Rate of Unemployment Explained
The Natural Rate of Unemployment (NARU) is something really worth thinking about while millions go jobless in the era of coronavirus.