Coronavirus and the Economy

The verdict for this episode is: none of the plans proposed in Congress are good enough. In this episode, I discuss ways to get government assistance to those most needing it during the pandemic. Specifically, I address getting cash to people who really need it, health care for everyone, rent and mortgage relief, student loan… Continue reading Coronavirus and the Economy

Getting Money to Those Most Needing it

With Congress talking about sending every American a check, I thought I should propose an idea that would get money to those most likely to need it, those most likely to be hurt by coronavirus, and would be relatively easy to implement. I will next share the idea. Then, I will discuss its pros and… Continue reading Getting Money to Those Most Needing it

Joe Biden is Worse Than Joe Rogan

The verdict for this episode is: Joe Rogan says terrible things. Joe Biden destroys lives. In this episode, I demonstrate how Biden voted against a woman’s right to choose, voted to discriminate against same-sex couples, regularly voted with Wall Street and against the American people, and lied about his record. Play in new window… Continue reading Joe Biden is Worse Than Joe Rogan

Coronavirus and Politics

The verdict for this episode is: Congress has once again failed the American people. In this episode, I discuss how the bill being sold by Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats fails America. Topics covered include: the tying of benefits to inadequate testing; cutting people’s pay because they need to care for someone who is sick;… Continue reading Coronavirus and Politics

Ufi Update for March Seventh

It has been a little while since I gave an update about Ufi. So, here is the latest. This time, there is a surprise in the Ufi update.

Thoughts After Super Tuesday

The verdict for this episode is: Bernie can still win. In this episode, I admit my thoughts on South Carolina’s impact were off, I demonstrate how the race is far closer than the media wants you to believe, I talk about Biden’s endorsements, and Warren’s campaign. Play in new window | Download (Duration: 17:57… Continue reading Thoughts After Super Tuesday

Biden’s Victory Doesn’t Matter

The verdict for this episode is: when we go to bed on Tuesday, no one will be talking about South Carolina. In this episode, I discuss Biden’s small coalition, Bernie Sanders’s wide, diverse coalition, and demonstrate how South Carolina is not an indication of what is to come. Play in new window | Download… Continue reading Biden’s Victory Doesn’t Matter

My Lyft Drivers Reminded me why Bernie Must Win

Yesterday was a rainy day in the Portland area. Looking forward to attending a meeting with some fellow members of our local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, I was distracted from thoughts of website accessibility (the topic we were going to discuss). I was thinking about how I was going to get to the… Continue reading My Lyft Drivers Reminded me why Bernie Must Win