The State of American Health Care

All of the data in this post is from the CIA’s World Factbook.

Mass Shootings in America

Several factors make it difficult to get a handle on the number and frequency of mass shootings in America. Mass shootings that occurred before the advent of the Internet are difficult to track. Also, different researchers use different definitions of what constitutes a mass shooting.

Special Counsel Explained

The current guidelines regarding special counsels are contained in 28 CFR Section 600. CFR stands for Code of Federal Rules. The Code of Federal Rules is a list of rules established by the different agencies and departments of the federal government. The federal rules aren’t laws.

Immunity Explained

Transactional immunity is commonly known as total immunity. When someone gets transactional immunity, they cannot be prosecuted for the crime in question or a related crime.

Leaks Explained

There are two types of leaks. Under 18 U.S. Code Section 798, the leaking of classified information is a criminal offense. The leaking of unclassified information is not against the law.