Most of the below information comes from Medicare’s 2017 Cost at a Glance.
Category: Law and Politics
The Pardon Power Explained
The pardon power is defined in Article II, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution.
Health Care in Canada
The government-run Canadian health insurance is called Medicare. Every Canadian is covered by Medicare.
How Medicare is funded
Medicare’s funding comes from two trust funds held by the United States Department of the Treasury. The money in the two trust fund accounts can only be used for Medicare.
The Logan Act Explained
George Logan was a Pennsylvania state legislator and farmer.
The Magnitsky Act Explained
Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer who uncovered fraud worth 230 million dollars on the part of Russian tax officials and police.
Benefits Paid by Social Security
We here lots of talk about the huge cost of the so-called entitlements. What’s rarely discussed is the value of benefits Social Security pays individuals.
Treason Explained
Article III Section three of the constitution defines treason, grants Congress the power to create the offense of treason, and restricts the punishment to the person convicted of treason.
Medicaid Expansion in Indiana
As governor of Indiana, Vice President Mike Pence refused to expand Medicaid in his state unless recipients could be charged.
The Emoluments Clause Explained
The Emoluments Clause is contained in Article I, Section 9, Clause eight of the Constitution.