Since John McCain’s passing on Saturday the tributes have been nearly constant from the right and the center. On the true left, the message has been mixed. McCain’s terrible foreign policy decisions (the war in Iraq) to name one have been criticized. Both groups are missing the point.
Category: My Life
Trump’s supporters are Delusional
Here are truths that can’t be ignored:
Personal Update 08/20/2018
Here are a few updates about my life:
Political Thoughts for August 19, 2018
As the title indicates, here are a few quick thoughts about current political stories:
Mom and I After 16 Years
This post was originally published on my Facebook page. I thought it should go here too.
Paratransit is Separate and Unequal
As I wrote before, paratransit, the transit service offered people with disabilities by local public transit entities, is not something I ever wanted to join. Given the lack of sidewalks in parts of the Portland area, and other reasons, I did finally register. While I have had a few decent rides from paratransit, I realize… Continue reading Paratransit is Separate and Unequal
Wrong Should Equal Harm
I was having a discussion with a close friend about the amount of moral judgments that take place in society today. Most conservatives oppose same-sex marriage, because they say it’s wrong. It’s the same when it comes to the rights of people who are transgender. What those conservatives can’t explain is who is actually being… Continue reading Wrong Should Equal Harm
An update on My Job
To recap, I started as the Disability Equity Specialist on March 19, 2018.
Don’t Delete Facebook
I’m guessing most of us joined Facebook to share updates and information with friends and family. Some of us learned to enjoy Facebook groups of people with similar interests. Deleting Facebook would cause us to lose access to things we actually enjoy. So, the answer isn’t to delete Facebook. The answer is to remember why… Continue reading Don’t Delete Facebook
History is More Important Than Math
Obviously, everyone needs an education in basic math. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions are encountered by most people on a very regular basis. On the other hand, the vast majority of people rarely use algebra, calculus, or geometry.