When Mom was 18, she gave birth to my identical twin brother and I. At the time, she was extremely poor and had basically no support. After she refused the money for an abortion, the “man” who got Mom pregnant and his family ignored her. Knowing she would have a difficult time caring for us… Continue reading Introducing Mom
Category: My Life
My Spiritual Journey
I was raised in the Catholic church. As a child, I wasn’t allowed to attend CCD classes,(the Catholic version of Sunday school, with my sighted peers.
My First Presidential Election
I can’t believe I’m admitting this. Is authenticity really important?
I Saw Same-Sex Marriage Become Reality
In February of 2004, I was attending Suffolk University Law School in Boston and interning in the Massachusetts House Counsel’s Office. On February 11, the Massachusetts Legislature met in joint session as a constitutional convention. The topic that made Massachusetts the epicenter of the political world that day was whether same-sex couples should have the… Continue reading I Saw Same-Sex Marriage Become Reality
All the Bright Places
If a book makes me think, encourages me to wish, and reminds me of the unbeatable power of love–I’m hooked. If it forces me to feel emotions I sometimes try too hard to hide, I have a real winner.
Yesterday was my Birthday
I’m another year older. We celebrated with a barbecue at Mom’s. As always, the food was tremendous. I’m very much looking forward to the leftovers I will be eating after I publish this post.
Everyone Doesn’t Pay the Same to Support Social Security
Everyone is aware that their employer withholds taxes from each paycheck to help fund Social Security. What you may not know is that every American doesn’t pay the same percentage of their income to support Social Security.
Introducing Emma
On August 1, 2014, Mom saw a filthy dog lying outside her door. She approached the large, white dog with a little bit of caution. When she got near, the dog lifted its arm. Knowing it only wanted a tummy rub, Mom instantly liked her unexpected houseguest.
Introducing Scorpio
As a teenager, my mom was the first girl trainer at Multnomah Greyhound Park. While she was pregnant with my twin and I, the greyhounds were one of her biggest sources of support. For decades after leaving the track, Mom thought about adopting a greyhound.
Introducing Ufi
My dog guide, Ufi, is a six-year-old German Shepherd. He was trained by the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation. We were matched on January 11,2013. Ufi is an excellent worker and an even better friend.