Reviewing Fordlandia

Greg Grandin’s Fordlandia is reported to describe the rise and fall of Henry Ford’s Brazilian rubber plantation. In reality, Fordlandia is another striking example of the destruction and exploitation brought by capitalism.

Reviewing Critical

Critical is the seventh book in Robin Cook’s Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series. I have now read the first seven books in the series. Like the first six, I found Critical both entertaining and somewhat educational.

Reviewing the end of the Myth

Greg Grandin’s The end of the Myth: the frontier to the border wall in the mind of /America is the best look at the rise of so-called Trumpism I have read. Still, I think the book overcomplicates what is sadly too simple a reality. Human nature is fundamentally selfish. Sure, there are people who don’t… Continue reading Reviewing the end of the Myth