Cameras Don’t Deter Crime

In the aftermath of New York City announcing cameras will be installed in every subway car, I have been thinking about the near-constant surveillance state that now defines America and how the idea that it deters crime is another lie.

Corporate Fines Provide the Elusion of Punishment

We regularly learn about the “Justice” department, the “environmental Protection Agency”, and the “Security and Exchange Commission” fining corporations for conduct amounting to fraud, intentional pollution, and a host of things rising to the level of criminal conduct. In all of these settlements, the corporation agrees to pay what sounds like a large fine and… Continue reading Corporate Fines Provide the Elusion of Punishment

We are all Pawns in Their Game

As soon as Brittney Griner was arrested, she was guaranteed to be convicted and given a long sentence. She may even have been arrested so she could be convicted and sentenced. Yes, she broke an absurdly stupid Russian law around the possession of cannabis, but I’m guessing others have broken the same law and avoided… Continue reading We are all Pawns in Their Game

Reviewing Bag Man

Bag Man is a podcast produced by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow about the criminal investigation and resignation of Richard Nixon’s vice president Spiro Agnew. Bag Man is one of the most informative, thought-provoking podcasts I have ever heard.

I will Never Face it

The verdict for this episode is: I don’t care. Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:30 — 2.5MB) | Embedsubscribe to my podcast Apple Podcasts | TuneIn | RSS | Subscribe to Jonathan's Verdicts