Democrats Don’t Really Care About Accessible Transit Stations

I am not enjoying writing this post. I hate almost always having to be critical. But I have to tell the truth. The sad truth is that Democrats, as you will see, don’t care about accessible transit stations. As usual, they are engaging in political theater designed to convince people to believing they are doing… Continue reading Democrats Don’t Really Care About Accessible Transit Stations

You are Accommodating Your Discrimination, not Me

The most important mantra from the disability community is nothing about us without us. Yet, our civil rights have largely been established by people without disabilities, who have forced their lack of respect for us and their inability to see us as their equals (whether they realize it or not) as the primary motivations for… Continue reading You are Accommodating Your Discrimination, not Me

Disability Discrimination Really Hurts

I’m sad and disappointed tonight. I feel like way too much is a fight and that the world simply doesn’t try hard enough to accommodate people with disabilities. We are more marginalized than any other group. That’s the truth whether people like it or not. This post has updates on my job search, things at… Continue reading Disability Discrimination Really Hurts

Getting Money to Those Most Needing it

With Congress talking about sending every American a check, I thought I should propose an idea that would get money to those most likely to need it, those most likely to be hurt by coronavirus, and would be relatively easy to implement. I will next share the idea. Then, I will discuss its pros and… Continue reading Getting Money to Those Most Needing it

Learning by Trying to Find Love with a Visible Disability

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my continued single status and how I wish it would come to an end. Maybe it’s that we’re nearing the end of another year. Maybe it’s the arrival of another holiday season I will spend single. Maybe it’s the reality that I simply can’t believe I’m still… Continue reading Learning by Trying to Find Love with a Visible Disability

A Furnace and Blindness

This post is about the installation of our new furnace, the new furnace having to be repaired 10 minutes after installation, and how the night’s events got me thinking about the ways I interact with people and how they interact with me.