Ufi is Doing Great Work

Most of my posts about Ufi have dealt with his allergies and our struggle to get them under control. So, I thought it was time to write about some of his great work.

Ufi’s Feeling Better

Ufi has gone back on Apoquel. The combination of Cytopoint and Apoquel has helped him a ton. He hardly ever scratches. His ears seem very healthy. He doesn’t have any problems with his feet.

An Update on Ufi

Ever since I got Ufi he has been battling allergies. The saddest part of it is that no one loves being outside more than Ufi. When the weather is nice and us humans are willing, he will play fetch for hours.

Watching Emma Get Old

In Introducing Emma I shared the story of how a lovable great Pyrenees showed up in Mom’s yard one morning. Nearly three years later, “the beautiful white one” as I call her has made a special impression on those of us lucky enough to love her.

Ufi Playing Fetch in Mom’s Living Room

Yesterday was a nice day here. So, Ufi and I went to Mom’s. Ufi played fetch and relaxed in his pool for about four hours. Then we went into the house where he wanted more fetch. I don’t think anyone likes anything as much as Ufi likes fetch.

Introducing Emma

On August 1, 2014, Mom saw a filthy dog lying outside her door. She approached the large, white dog with a little bit of caution. When she got near, the dog lifted its arm. Knowing it only wanted a tummy rub, Mom instantly liked her unexpected houseguest.

Introducing Scorpio

As a teenager, my mom was the first girl trainer at Multnomah Greyhound Park. While she was pregnant with my twin and I, the greyhounds were one of her biggest sources of support. For decades after leaving the track, Mom thought about adopting a greyhound.

Introducing Ufi

My dog guide, Ufi, is a six-year-old German Shepherd. He was trained by the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation. We were matched on January 11,2013. Ufi is an excellent worker and an even better friend.