Why Political Polls Aren’t Reliable

Tired of the corporate-run media spinning the 2020 election narratives based on their precious polling, I wanted to see how said precious polling is done. As you will see most of us either choose not to participate or aren’t asked to participate. Unsurprisingly, most of those not chosen to participate are young, poor, and people… Continue reading Why Political Polls Aren’t Reliable

October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary

As always, I feel the need to remind people I’m supporting Bernie Sanders. His recent heart attack has done nothing to diminish my support of Sanders. Millions of Americans have had heart attacks and gone on to be very productive. With that out of the way, I want to add a few random thoughts on… Continue reading October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary

Reviewing Two-Income Trap

Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia wrote Two-Income Trap in 2003. It was rereleased in 2015 with a new introduction. Reading the 2015 version in the context of the 2020 election was a thought-provoking experience. Instead of recapping the premise of the book and quoting interesting passages, I’m going to focus on what I was… Continue reading Reviewing Two-Income Trap

Reviewing Dark Money

Jane Mayer’s Dark Money is won of the most important political books I have ever read. Dark Money is a difficult, infuriating, critical read for anyone interested in learning how the ultra rich, especially the Koch brothers, have used their wealth to ensure government works for them at the expense of everyone else.

Why Sanders is Better Than Warren

I have supported Bernie Sanders since early in the 2016 campaign. I have made two contributions to his 2020 campaign. I like Elizabeth Warren. Her focus on policy is refreshing. I agree with much of what she says. While Warren is the only candidate besides Sanders I would enjoy voting for, there are to fundamental… Continue reading Why Sanders is Better Than Warren