Centrist Democrats are Repeating Obama’s Mistake

The verdict for this episode is: the public option for health care will not allow people to keep their private health insurance. In this episode, I discuss why claims that people would be able to keep their private health insurance if a public option was added allowing them to buy into Medicare are false. https://media.blubrry.com/jonathansimeonepodcast/content.blubrry.com/jonathansimeonepodcast/Newcentrist_lie_Recording.mp3Podcast:… Continue reading Centrist Democrats are Repeating Obama’s Mistake

The Dog Whistles of Reasonability and Sensibility

For those who don’t know, political dog whistles are things said that seemingly mean one thing but which are meant to communicate a hidden meaning to those who understand the language. In the Democratic primary, we are inundated with the political dog whistles of reasonability and sensibility. As you will see, the corporate-run media and… Continue reading The Dog Whistles of Reasonability and Sensibility

Thoughts on the October Democratic Debate

The October Democratic debate was interesting. It was different than the previous debates in several aspects. I don’t believe it will change the race much though. Warren will still be seen as on the rise. Biden will still be seen as falling. Sanders will be seen as having stabilized his campaign and still firmly in… Continue reading Thoughts on the October Democratic Debate

Explaining my Daily Struggles for Accessibility

The biggest reason I rarely write about or discuss the inaccessibility I overcome on a daily basis is the fear that my concerns will be blamed on my blindness–not the needless inaccessibility that so often exists. Another reason I rarely write about or discuss the inaccessibility I must overcome on daily basis is the fear… Continue reading Explaining my Daily Struggles for Accessibility

Reviewing Two-Income Trap

Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia wrote Two-Income Trap in 2003. It was rereleased in 2015 with a new introduction. Reading the 2015 version in the context of the 2020 election was a thought-provoking experience. Instead of recapping the premise of the book and quoting interesting passages, I’m going to focus on what I was… Continue reading Reviewing Two-Income Trap

Abolish my Health Insurance and Raise my Taxes

Through my job with the city of Portland, I have better health insurance than many Americans. Still, I would gladly trade my adequate insurance and pay more taxes to support all Americans having access to health care. I will use the rest of this post to demonstrate why my recent eye problems have reminded me… Continue reading Abolish my Health Insurance and Raise my Taxes

Klobuchar is safe, Centrist, and Unacceptable

I just finished watching a CNN town hall with Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar. While Senator Klobuchar was as centrist as I thought she was, her sincerity and honesty will give her staying power in the race. Even though I have nothing against Klobuchar, her centrist policies make her an unacceptable candidate to me.

Consequences for Politicising our Lives

I need to make one thing clear: no one’s health insurance is in immediate jeopardy. Still, the Affordable Care Act is now facing its biggest threat. The possibility that 20 million insured Americans will lose their coverage is now real. There is a chance those with preexisting conditions will no longer have the opportunity to… Continue reading Consequences for Politicising our Lives