Reviewing All the Shah’s Men

Stephen Kinzer’s All the Shah’s Men is one of those books far too few Americans have read.. In All The Shah’s Men, Kinzer details how the CIA led a coup to overthrow the democratically elected Iranian government of Mohammad Mosoddegh after his decision to nationalize Iran’s oil industry. Since many Americans don’t realize the reality… Continue reading Reviewing All the Shah’s Men

Reviewing Overthrow

Stephen Kinzer’s Overthrow reviews a century of America’s overthrowing governments from Hawaii to Iraq. Overthrow is simply one of the most consequential books I have ever read about American foreign policy. Given what is happening in Syria and Chile and the reality of the 2020 election, people interested in politics would do well to read… Continue reading Reviewing Overthrow

America’s Failing Health Care System

The post entitled The State of American Health care contains all the information discussed in the podcast. The links to the relevant sections of the CIA’s World Factbook can be found in this post too. My health care tag lists all the health care content I have produced. Every time I blog or podcast about… Continue reading America’s Failing Health Care System