Reviewing No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States

Summary This summary was generated with help from ChatGPT. Overview Published in 2024, “No Democracy Lasts Forever” by Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, examines how inherent flaws in the U.S. Constitution pose significant threats to American democracy. Chemerinsky provides a critical analysis of the Constitution’s structural weaknesses and… Continue reading Reviewing No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States

Reviewing Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror

Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror is a documentary about some of the ways 911 changed America and its government. While the documentary does a good job walking viewers through the lies, wasted money, lack of integrity, and many of the failings that resulted in America spending 20 years in Afghanistan only to… Continue reading Reviewing Turning Point 911 and the War on Terror

Corporate Fines Provide the Elusion of Punishment

We regularly learn about the “Justice” department, the “environmental Protection Agency”, and the “Security and Exchange Commission” fining corporations for conduct amounting to fraud, intentional pollution, and a host of things rising to the level of criminal conduct. In all of these settlements, the corporation agrees to pay what sounds like a large fine and… Continue reading Corporate Fines Provide the Elusion of Punishment

We are all Pawns in Their Game

As soon as Brittney Griner was arrested, she was guaranteed to be convicted and given a long sentence. She may even have been arrested so she could be convicted and sentenced. Yes, she broke an absurdly stupid Russian law around the possession of cannabis, but I’m guessing others have broken the same law and avoided… Continue reading We are all Pawns in Their Game

Complaint Based Civil Rights Laws are Designed to Ensure Fewer Civil Rights

Civil rights laws including the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are developed by Congress to largely depend on the public filing complaints with the government and/or suing violators. Passage of these laws is accompanied with lots of fanfare and celebration. Politicians brag about their commitment to civil rights, equality,… Continue reading Complaint Based Civil Rights Laws are Designed to Ensure Fewer Civil Rights

The Constitution was Designed to Deny Most of us Rights

Now that Roe V. Wade has been officially struck down, we need to have a true discussion about the constitution. The truth, as much as many don’t want to admit it, is that the six conservative Supreme Court justices are faithfully following the intent of the so-called founding fathers. As a lawyer, coming to this… Continue reading The Constitution was Designed to Deny Most of us Rights

Reviewing Presumed Guilty

Erwin Chemerinsky’s Presumed Guilty: How the Supreme Court Empowered the Police and Subverted Civil Rights is an important and upsetting read. Chemerinsky, a constitutional lawyer and professor, walks us through decades of shockingly bad sometimes overtly racist rulings made by the Supreme Court that have served to help create our current police state.