Personal Updatesfor March 30, 2019

This isn’t a happy personal update; in fact, it’s the saddest one I have written. Animals are wonderful friends. Watching them get old is so hard though.

It has Been a Year

A year ago today was my first day working for the city of Portland, Oregon. It’s hard to believe it has been a year. In some ways, it has flown by. In other ways, it has seemed slow. Sitting here a year later, I can honestly say it has been a wonderful year!

People Relying on Social Security Shouldn’t be Living in Poverty

Previously, I have written about my own experience relying on federal benefits to survive. As someone who has needed benefits and is lucky enough to no longer need them, I want to discuss how bad benefits are for those needing them the most. That statement doesn’t mean I’m ungrateful for the help I received; rather,… Continue reading People Relying on Social Security Shouldn’t be Living in Poverty

America’s Attitudes About Blindness

The Perkins School for the Blind is out with a survey that attempts to figure out how Americans feel about blindness. America’s Blind Spot surveyed a thousand Americans from different segments of the population, different generations, and geographic regions of the country. I’m writing this post because my experience confirms many of the survey’s unfortunate… Continue reading America’s Attitudes About Blindness

I’m Leaving Facebook

This is the 300th post I have made to this blog. It’s kind of a cool milestone for me. So, I felt like acknowledging it here. I used to believe there was a responsible way to use Facebook. As long as you didn’t like any business pages, share anything from a business, or click on… Continue reading I’m Leaving Facebook

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Looking Ahead to 2019

I recapped my year in review. This post is looking ahead for me in 2019. I will preview the following topics: My job Exercise and health Continued Learning Relationships This website The house

My 2018

I’m a little late with this, but it’s time to recap my 2018. On the whole, 2018 was a great year for me. I left 2018 feeling as good about the future as I can remember. This year in review will have two main sections: Accomplishments Things that Didn’t go as Planned