Many people without disabilities feel the need to comment that people with disabilities aren’t more included in society because we don’t show up enough. This ableist, uninformed argument demonstrates how little many people without disabilities understand life for those of us with disabilities. You have no idea how badly I wish it was as simple… Continue reading I Can’t Just Show up
Tag: me
Personal Update for December 1,2018
This personal update has news about: my job; home improvements; exercise; Ufi; and Mr. Rogers.
Personal Update for November 23, 2018
This personal update covers: online dating; home improvements; Ufi’s health; and Thanksgiving.
Why I am Thankful
This Thanksgiving finds me with more to be thankful for than ever. So, I thought I would make a list of those things that find me feeling more thankful, hopeful, and optimistic than I have ever felt on Thanksgiving. The below list is not by any means a ranking. It’s simply the order things came… Continue reading Why I am Thankful
Personal Update for November 2, 2018
This update has news about Ufi, Emma, my job, and some needed home improvements.
Personal Update for October 20, 2018
It has been another good week. Things are still going very well at work. I’m excited about what will be happening there.
Personal Update for October 13, 2018
This personal update contains plenty of good news.
Personal Update for October 5, 2018
This will be a quick update. It has rained all day and Kavanaugh’s looming confirmation to the Supreme Court has got me in a bit of a bad mood. I wish I was surprised by the shameful conduct of Senate Republicans, but I’m not.
Personal Update September 23, 2018
In this personal update I discuss: Ufi’s adjusting to steroids My recovering from illness The best book I have recently read Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process An important anniversary
Personal Update for September 19, 2018
I have a cold, fever, and sore throat. So, this will be a quick update.