I thought I would write a quick post to share a couple of pieces of good news.
Tag: me
Looking Ahead to 2024
Around the end of 2023 I wrote a post recapping what was on balance a very good year for me. This is a bit late, but it’s time to look forward to what may happen for me in 2024. The things discussed here are in no particular order.
Recapping my 2023
On December 31 of 2022, I wrote this post looking forward to 2023. Anyone who has been following me for this year understands how accurate my predictions were for this year. So, 2023 was an absolutely wonderful year for me. Prior to recapping 2023’s highlights, we need to review the bad things that happened this… Continue reading Recapping my 2023
Grandpa Tell me About the Good Old Days
As a part of ACB Community Karaoke, they had a theme night where participants were assigned random songs they had to sing.
We’re not Gonna Take It
As a part of ACB Community Karaoke, they had a theme night where people were assigned random songs that they had to sing. Desiree was assigned We’re not Gonna Take it.
I enjoyed singing Margaritaville. I did this around the time of Jimmy Buffett’s death. I think Jimmyis a good singer for me to cover. I like many of his songs, and we are kind of in the same range.
Happy Holiday
This is me singing the Andy Williams version of Happy Holiday.
It Must’ve Been Ol Santa Clause
Here I am singing It Must’ve Been Ol Santa Clause. My song is based on the Harry Connick J.r. version.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I’m still into singing karaoke. Yes, I know I’m not a great singer, but I honestly think I’m getting a bit better. Desiree’s ability to edit audio files certainly doesn’t hurt.
I’m Living the Life I Always Wanted
It has been way too long since I updated this blog. At least this time I have lots of good things to share. Becoming a Family The girls have been here for about six weeks. They started school the day after Labor Day. The life I always wanted is truly starting to feel real! I’m… Continue reading I’m Living the Life I Always Wanted