For the month of July, I mentored a high school student interested in a job in the field of accessibility. While I really enjoyed the experience, I found myself regularly thinking about the lack of mentors for blind children. As someone who was born blind, this is a topic I have been thinking about for… Continue reading The Lack of Blind Mentors
Tag: me
Personal Updates for July 12, 2021
This post has updates on me falling in love and my job search.
Dear Ufi a Year Later
A year ago at this time, Ufi had been injected with the sedative that was preparing him to be relaxed when the lethal injection forced him to take his last breath. Now, I still can’t believe he’s gone. I still can’t believe all he’s still doing for me. Most of all, I know Ufi would… Continue reading Dear Ufi a Year Later
I’m on Top of the World
There are times in every life when you know something momentous is happening to you. In those moments, you realize life will never be the same. Sometimes, they are tragedies. Sometimes, they are advancements. If you are truly lucky, they are dreams coming true.
I’m a Year Older
In honor of getting a year older, I thought I should share a few thoughts.
I may get Vaccinated
As I write this, I’m not vaccinated against coronavirus. Nor do I have a plan to get vaccinated against coronavirus. But I’m not against the vaccines. I could imagine scenarios where I get a vaccine. Since I weigh in on most things, I thought I should share the reasons why I’m not vaccinated and those… Continue reading I may get Vaccinated
Choosing Between Popularity and Effectiveness
If you are interested in achieving systemic change, you can’t be popular. Most people resist change. Some appreciate the privilege they get from current systems. Some think change is too hard and it should be incremental. Some think the change you want should come after the change they want. No matter what the reason, a… Continue reading Choosing Between Popularity and Effectiveness
Personal Updates for May 17,2021
I have a lot to say about my life this week. This post has updates on my feeling more hopeful, my sore knees and exercise, and surprising thoughts on not getting the jobs I wanted.
Shadow has Come so Far
It has been months since I have given an update on Shadow. For those who don’t remember, Shadow is a dog we rescued from an abusive, neglectful situation. The plan was to find a rescue group that would get him the help he needed adjusting and learning to socialize before finding him a new home.… Continue reading Shadow has Come so Far
Personal Updates for May 16, 2021
This post has updates on my failed experience hosting a room in Clubhouse, my birthday, our friend Walter visiting, and the nice weather.