Personal Updates for May 15, 2021

This post has updates on me hosting a room on Clubhouse, finally something good at work, my eye, and my exercise.

Disability Discrimination Really Hurts

I’m sad and disappointed tonight. I feel like way too much is a fight and that the world simply doesn’t try hard enough to accommodate people with disabilities. We are more marginalized than any other group. That’s the truth whether people like it or not. This post has updates on my job search, things at… Continue reading Disability Discrimination Really Hurts

Dear Scorpio

Here, at last, is my letter to Scorpio. I wish it had come sooner, but I haven’t been myself since his death. Suddenly saying goodbye to him and several other things that don’t belong here have kept me from feeling ready to pay the tribute to Scorp I want to pay. Now that I’m slowly… Continue reading Dear Scorpio

Scorpio is Gone

Writing my painful goodbye to our beloved Scorpio, I’m sitting on the floor next to his bed. Trying to best share my feelings about a wonderful friend and our sudden loss, I need to be close to him. Sitting in the place where I sat so often to rub his side just feels right.