Cameras Don’t Deter Crime

In the aftermath of New York City announcing cameras will be installed in every subway car, I have been thinking about the near-constant surveillance state that now defines America and how the idea that it deters crime is another lie.

Political Wins are Offensive

In the aftermath of Democrats passing their dumpster fire of a bill that fails to address climate change and the bipartisan giveaway to chip makers, politicians and their media can’t stop talking about political wins. According to the media and the Democratic Party, the bill dedicating 46.1 percent of what the Pentagon will spend this… Continue reading Political Wins are Offensive

There is no Such Thing as Trumpism

Donald Trump is a moron. Donal Trump is not capable of creating political concepts and theories. He is not able to maintain political organization. Donald Trump loves the idea that Democrats and the media keep talking about the existence of Trumpism. But Donald Trump knows he didn’t create anything. Like everything else in his life,… Continue reading There is no Such Thing as Trumpism