There are many reasons why the capitalist class, their politicians, and their media constantly focus on the absurd myth of individualism, but one of the most misunderstood reasons for their devout focus on individualism is the way it encourages people to hate each other. Anyone who knows anything about America knows that individualism only applies… Continue reading Individualism Makes Many Hate
Tag: my thoughts
There is no Such Thing as Trumpism
Donald Trump is a moron. Donal Trump is not capable of creating political concepts and theories. He is not able to maintain political organization. Donald Trump loves the idea that Democrats and the media keep talking about the existence of Trumpism. But Donald Trump knows he didn’t create anything. Like everything else in his life,… Continue reading There is no Such Thing as Trumpism
Survival Shouldn’t Depend on a Job
I have to start by making four things clear: Most people aren’t inherently lazy. Most people want to work. Most people want to take pride in what they accomplish through their work. Most people, sadly care way more about their employer than their employer will ever care about them.
There is no Such Thing as Underprivileged
It has become acceptable to use words like underprivileged, underrepresented, and underserved. But as hard as corporations, politicians, and the media try to convince, there is no such thing as being underprivileged.
We are all Pawns in Their Game
As soon as Brittney Griner was arrested, she was guaranteed to be convicted and given a long sentence. She may even have been arrested so she could be convicted and sentenced. Yes, she broke an absurdly stupid Russian law around the possession of cannabis, but I’m guessing others have broken the same law and avoided… Continue reading We are all Pawns in Their Game
Hire us or you Don’t Care
I have been venting a lot lately, but this is another important rant. The number of companies that work in the accessibility space and hire few to no people with disabilities is staggering and shameful. If a company won’t hire people with disabilities it doesn’t care about people with disabilities or accessibility.
Asking Means No
The title may be a bit harsh, but it makes an important point. In most cases, if you have to ask a person with a disability if something is accessible, the odds are very high it isn’t.
Reviewing The Devil’s Chessboard
David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard: The CIA, and The Rise of America’s Secret Government is in some ways predictable and infuriating for those of us who know the truth about America. As you will see, reading it did change my perspective on one of the most consequential events in American history. That alone made the… Continue reading Reviewing The Devil’s Chessboard
News is Relative
One important concept many seem not to realize is the news is not all the news that should be communicated. What constitutes news, (whether it be television, newspapers, magazines, or social media) is what the person with editorial power over the content being shared through the medium you are engaging deems to be news. In… Continue reading News is Relative
Climate Change Bill Screws the Poor
Amid the false fanfare about the transformational aspects of Joe Manchin’s supposed climate change bill is the way Democrats are using it to make corporations and the wealthy wealthier while further disadvantaging people living in poor communities, especially people living in poor communities of color.