As I have been discussing, this has been a bad summer. So, let’s begin this personal update with some good news.
Tag: personal updates
Update on me and Ufi
The update on me isn’t great. The update on Ufi is better.
Personal Updates for July 27, 2019
This has been the worst week we have had in a long time. Still, we are trying to enjoy the good moments and not get sunk by the difficult ones.
Personal Updates for June 28, 2019
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the National ADA Symposium. The annual conference brings people working in the disability field together to learn from and network with each other. I really enjoyed the conference. I hope I get to go again next year. I came back from the conference energized and excited to… Continue reading Personal Updates for June 28, 2019
Personal Update for June 8, 2019
There’s one thing to report today. Yesterday, I got back the results on the biopsy taken of the cyst that was in my eye. It was benign! I don’t have cancer!
Personal Updates for May 31, 2019
The biggest news in my life is that I’m recovering from eye surgery.
Personal Updates for May 25, 2019
Obviously, it has been too long since I posted. I have a lot to say.
Personal Updates for April 2, 2019
After my last personal update, I thought I would share news about Emma and Mr. Rogers.
Personal Updatesfor March 30, 2019
This isn’t a happy personal update; in fact, it’s the saddest one I have written. Animals are wonderful friends. Watching them get old is so hard though.
It has Been a Year
A year ago today was my first day working for the city of Portland, Oregon. It’s hard to believe it has been a year. In some ways, it has flown by. In other ways, it has seemed slow. Sitting here a year later, I can honestly say it has been a wonderful year!