The Dog Whistles of Reasonability and Sensibility

For those who don’t know, political dog whistles are things said that seemingly mean one thing but which are meant to communicate a hidden meaning to those who understand the language. In the Democratic primary, we are inundated with the political dog whistles of reasonability and sensibility. As you will see, the corporate-run media and… Continue reading The Dog Whistles of Reasonability and Sensibility

Thoughts on the October Democratic Debate

The October Democratic debate was interesting. It was different than the previous debates in several aspects. I don’t believe it will change the race much though. Warren will still be seen as on the rise. Biden will still be seen as falling. Sanders will be seen as having stabilized his campaign and still firmly in… Continue reading Thoughts on the October Democratic Debate

October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary

As always, I feel the need to remind people I’m supporting Bernie Sanders. His recent heart attack has done nothing to diminish my support of Sanders. Millions of Americans have had heart attacks and gone on to be very productive. With that out of the way, I want to add a few random thoughts on… Continue reading October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary