As always, I feel the need to remind people I’m supporting Bernie Sanders. His recent heart attack has done nothing to diminish my support of Sanders. Millions of Americans have had heart attacks and gone on to be very productive. With that out of the way, I want to add a few random thoughts on… Continue reading October Thoughts on the Democratic Primary
Tag: politics
Trump and Ukraine
Donald Trump is the least competent person to ever serve as president of the United States. He is also a white supremacist, sexist, ableist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic moron who builds his base by encouraging hatred. I have been in favor of impeachment since the day he took office. I have believed impeachment was the right… Continue reading Trump and Ukraine
Reviewing All the President’s Men
With the House finally beginning an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, I decided to read Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s All the President’s Men. The book is about the Watergate scandal and coverup that resulted in Richard Nixon resigning and several members of his administration serving time.
Reviewing Two-Income Trap
Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia wrote Two-Income Trap in 2003. It was rereleased in 2015 with a new introduction. Reading the 2015 version in the context of the 2020 election was a thought-provoking experience. Instead of recapping the premise of the book and quoting interesting passages, I’m going to focus on what I was… Continue reading Reviewing Two-Income Trap
Thoughts on the September Democratic Debate
The debate did nothing to change the status of the race. Sanders, Warren, and Bide will remain the leaders. Still, there are things worth discussing.
Abolish my Health Insurance and Raise my Taxes
Through my job with the city of Portland, I have better health insurance than many Americans. Still, I would gladly trade my adequate insurance and pay more taxes to support all Americans having access to health care. I will use the rest of this post to demonstrate why my recent eye problems have reminded me… Continue reading Abolish my Health Insurance and Raise my Taxes
Reviewing Dark Money
Jane Mayer’s Dark Money is won of the most important political books I have ever read. Dark Money is a difficult, infuriating, critical read for anyone interested in learning how the ultra rich, especially the Koch brothers, have used their wealth to ensure government works for them at the expense of everyone else.
Reviewing Where we go from Here
Bernie Sanders’s Where we go from Here is a book recapping his efforts to bring about a more progressive America in the era of Donald Trump. As someone who has supported Bernie and donated to his campaign, I was excited to read the book. Now that I have finished, I can say something really left… Continue reading Reviewing Where we go from Here
Why Sanders is Better Than Warren
I have supported Bernie Sanders since early in the 2016 campaign. I have made two contributions to his 2020 campaign. I like Elizabeth Warren. Her focus on policy is refreshing. I agree with much of what she says. While Warren is the only candidate besides Sanders I would enjoy voting for, there are to fundamental… Continue reading Why Sanders is Better Than Warren
We Should Use Less Plastic
Bans of plastic straws and bags has been in the news for months. Yesterday, Donald Trump gave a speech at a developing Shell factory that will someday produce a million tons of plastic each year. Stories of dead animals washing ashore with stomachs full of plastic have become heartbreakingly familiar. Efforts to remove a fraction… Continue reading We Should Use Less Plastic