Reviewing Stephen King’s The Outsider

The Outsider is one of Stephen King’s better books. Since I have enjoyed a number of King’s books, I don’t say that lightly.

Reviewing The Godless Constitution

The Godless Constitution: The Case Against Religious Correctness is an easy to read look into why the so-called founding fathers designed a secular society and how they achieved that goal. More interesting to most readers is the examination of Thomas Jefferson’s personal religious devotion coupled with his fervent dedication to the idea of a secular… Continue reading Reviewing The Godless Constitution

Reviewing Bitter Fruit

If you follow politics, you like history, you want to learn about the United State’s overthrow of a democratically-elected government, you want to be disgusted by corporate control of our government, or you want to understand one of America’s foreign policy failures, you need to read Bitter Fruit. It’s amazing how many of the issues… Continue reading Reviewing Bitter Fruit

Reviewing The Mark of the Assassin

Daniel Silva’s The Mark of the assassinwas a solid read, but I expected more. Michael and Elizabeth Osbourne were good characters but the parts of the book dealing with their relationship didn’t seem authentic. Also, the politics involved in the story were too cynical–even for me.

Reviewing Two Girls Down

Louisa Luna’s Two Girls Down Is one of the best suspense books I have recently read. I really enjoyed both Alice Vega and Max Caplin. They were developed, interesting characters. The surprising to me ending made the book a great read.