Reviewing A People’s History of the United States

Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States is the best book I have read about American history. While it’s not perfect, I love the way Zinn acknowledges his own biases and attempts to explain a much accurate version of American history than is almost ever shared.

Reviewing Critical

Critical is the seventh book in Robin Cook’s Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series. I have now read the first seven books in the series. Like the first six, I found Critical both entertaining and somewhat educational.

Reviewing the end of the Myth

Greg Grandin’s The end of the Myth: the frontier to the border wall in the mind of /America is the best look at the rise of so-called Trumpism I have read. Still, I think the book overcomplicates what is sadly too simple a reality. Human nature is fundamentally selfish. Sure, there are people who don’t… Continue reading Reviewing the end of the Myth