Reviewing Crisis

Crisis is another in Robin Cook’s Jack Stapleton Laurie Montgomery series. Like the others I have read, I enjoyed Crisis. But there are a couple of things about the series starting to bother me.

Reviewing On Secret Service

On Secret Service is about spying during the Civil war. I read it because I have enjoyed many of Jake’s books, I like history, and I’m interested in the Civil War. Still, I didn’t like On Secret Service as much as I have liked other books by Jakes.

Reviewing Eugen V. Debs Speaks

Eugene Debs is the most famous American socialist. He ran for president several times around the beginning of the 20th century as a socialist. Around 1912, the Socialist Party had hundreds-of-thousands of members nationwide. Several mayors were elected under the Socialist Party banner and Debs got hundreds-of-thousands of votes during his runs for the presidency.… Continue reading Reviewing Eugen V. Debs Speaks

Reviewing Vector

Robin Cook’s Vector is in the Jack Stapleton Lauri Montgomery series. Like all the books in the series I have read, Vector was educational and entertaining. Yuri Davydof was a technician in the Soviet Union’s bioterrorism program. After time spent in prison, he made his way to the United States. Driving a cab, married to… Continue reading Reviewing Vector