You have a hundred dollars in your account. You pay 20 dollars for gas. Later, you pay 30 dollars for a medical copay. Finally, you pay $110 for groceries. If you were a customer of Wells Fargo, the bank would reorder the transactions so that the grocery purchase appeared to have been made first. By… Continue reading Consumers Could Lose Again
Tag: Senate
Graham-Cassidy Explained
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) are mounting one last effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Their bill would make the following changes.
Bernie Sanders Medicare for all Explained
Bernie Sanders has announced the Medicare for All Act of 2017 (Medicare for all). Medicare for all establishes the Universal Medicare Program (UMP).
Explaining Some of the Terms Around the Health Care Debate
The title of this episode is: Explaining Some of the Terms Around the Health Care Debate. The verdict for this episode is: budget reconciliation and the Byrd Rule make health care reform even more difficult. Play in new window | Download (Duration: 8:20 — 3.8MB) | Embedsubscribe to my podcast Apple Podcasts | TuneIn… Continue reading Explaining Some of the Terms Around the Health Care Debate
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The Byrd Rule Explained
The Byrd Rule has been codified in 2 U.S. Code Section 644. The purpose of the Byrd Rule is to prevent “extraneous” material from legislation being considered under the budget reconciliation process.
Budget Reconciliation Explained
Budget reconciliation (reconciliation) was created in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.Reconciliation can only be used for legislation that addresses mandatory spending, revenue, or the federal debt limit.
The 25th Amendment Explained
There has been a lot of talk about the 25th Amendment to the Constitution as a method for removing the president.
Discussing Kate’s Law
This article describes the killing of Kathryn Steinle. Play in new window | Download (Duration: 9:26 — 4.3MB) | Embedsubscribe to my podcast Apple Podcasts | TuneIn | RSS | Subscribe to Jonathan's Verdicts
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Capping Medicaid
Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal government and state governments. The federal contribution is determined by the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP).
Health Insurance and Tax Credits
Currently, someone earning between 100 and 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Lebvel (FPL) qualifies for a tax credit to offset the cost of health insurance.